President's Update September 13, 2020

President's Update September 13, 2020

Welcome to Spring! How quickly the weather has changed and the plants have blossomed. I am sure we will get one more bout of cool weather before we settle fully into Spring, but the days at present are glorious. How lucky we are to live in this beautiful country!

The Secretary of your Chamber sends regular updates to you on a whole raft of different topics. I hope you take the time to scan through these as you never know what gems are hidden in those emails.

On that note I want to highlight one recent change for your Chamber. We have become a member of Southern Queensland Country Tourism (SQCT). This is the Regional Tourism Organisation responsible for promoting our region. 

While you may say: ‘tourism is not my business’; my response is that ‘tourism is everyone’s business’. I agree that the bread and butter for many businesses each day comes from those who live locally, but ‘man does not live by bread alone’. We need the extra income from tourists just as we need the energy, challenges and new ideas they bring to our region.

As we go further down the track of promoting our region through SQCT and our new website ( I encourage you to get involved.

Macintyre Wind Farm near Karara
The construction of a large wind farm in the vicinity of Karara is about to commence. This will be the largest wind farm in Queensland:

This new development is right in our backyard and there are opportunities for employment and for local businesses to sub-contract. You can see what is happening at this link:

Next Networking Event
The next networking event is Monday 28 September with the Hon David Littleproud. Tickets will be available through Warwick Tickets. Because this date is the only one that the Minister is available, the WING Breakfast scheduled for Wednesday 23 September will be postponed.

Last two weeks
The development of the new website continues ( The plan is to launch it on 28 September at the Networking Breakfast with Hon David Littleproud. Please keep your eye out for the advertising for this event as ticket numbers will be limited due to COVID19 Restrictions.

Next two weeks
The photographs for the billboard on the northern entrance to Warwick have now been finalised and so it is only days away until the skins are printed and installed!

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